Saturday, 28 November 2009

Flowers, decorating and sewing...

These are the flowers that Angela bought me along with a box of chocolates...that are all should have seen them men gobble them up!!!! Thank Anglea...they are beautiful.
This snowman is one of my prized pieces. I won it last year at the Simple Goods Show raffle. I wish I could say that I went...but I didn't. He was made by Stacee Droit. He stayed out most of last year...and I am sure he will be inside again for along time.
This hanger is actually usually hanging my faux family. Erica Sample made it for me last year. I love it. On the hangers the ornies are from an ornie swap that I did on A Passion for Primitive forum a few years ago.
Finally...I have sewn just to stuff it. I hope have it done for Robin for Christmas. Robin, Gina and Nan have been whispering to me to start sewing better give it a go again.....don't look too close Robin or you might guess what it is.

Well we didn't get to Balmoral. The weather was rainy and rubbish (sad face!!!!) I have 2 more Saturdays to hope that the weather behaves to allow me to take some photos.

Friday, 27 November 2009

My mojo and me....

My mojo has totally left me now.....since I got home from Robin's I have not done anything...only taken about 10 photos!!! I need to get the old mojo happening.

I put away a my halloween goodies and got a little bit of Christmas out. I want some more!!...but need to make some new stuff. Robin is hoping that I don't stop sewing I will try to make her a little something for is printed off...stuck on cardboard...lets hope that I get further along. The main problem is my cramped sewing room. I need to find a bulldozer and clean it out yet again.

If I need some brown wool....I know where to go!!!! I love these sheep! And here was me thinking that they dyed wool to make brown....(wink)

I am hoping to have the get up and go to head off to Balmoral Castle tomorrow. It is the Queen's home in Scotland. It is open for another 3 Saturdays...only 4 times in the winter!!!! I need to go and get some photos!!! We haven't been there before..Pete is working, so it will be Brennan and I.

To all of my lovely American friends.....I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday. I wish I could have enjoyed the Thanksgiving feast with you!!!

UPDATE: The sheep were really brown....I just took the green out of the grass.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Thursday, 5 November 2009


Hey don't forget if you want to see me...come over to my other blog